Did you encounter Giant Bubbles at a Cub Scouting event? Do you want to make your own?
Here is the recipe (I always make mine in an old milk jug...remember, a Scout is THRIFTY!)
2 cups dish soap
2 Tablespoons baking powder
2 Tablespoons corn starch
4 Tablespoons glycerin
1/2-gallon water
Mix in a large jug and let sit overnight. Shake/swirl gently to remove powder from bottom of bottle before using.
Want to make the giant bubble wands?
2 skinny dowels
2 small eye hooks
3 feet of cotton string
5 feet of cotton string
5 medium washers
Insert eye hooks into ends of both dowels. Tie one end of 3-foot string to each dowel. Thread washers onto 5-foot string. Tie both ends of 5-foot string to dowels. (Each dowel
will have one eye hook on one end and the end of each string tied to the eye hook.)
You will also need a tub to pour the solution into and dip the string into to create bubbles. As long as it's deep enough to submerge the string in the solution you should be good.